Researchers and industrial experts from manufacturing sector have to work towards unified objective of manufacturing critical components using advanced engineering materials with the help of sustainable and reliable manufacturing techniques. Correspondingly, the development of advanced engineering materials with exceptional mechanical, chemical, thermal and physical properties have posed unprecedented challenges to make component with complex and intricate design requirements.
Manufacturing of any component from advanced engineering materials using modern manufacturing processes will post new challenges in terms of effective utilization of energy, raw materials, systematic process planning with help of digital manufacturing, integration of design aspects with manufacturing and suggesting suitable process for new materials and more. To identify further needs of engineering materials and manufacturing processes, and to meet aforementioned needs by being disruptive, innovative and agile, Central Facility for Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (CFMM) is proposed at the transit campus of the IIT Palakkad.
CFMM will house advanced materials processing, materials testing and manufacturing processing facilities to support basic and applied research activities in various stream of engineering. It is an essential platform not only to compete intellectually with rest of the world but also enables us to make ingenuine contributions relevant to our country in the growing field of materials processing, manufacturing of engineering components and products. This supports the research on materials processing that includes development of alloys and composites, manufacturing of components includes turbine & compressor parts, aerofoils, medical implants, actuators, medical scaffolds, machine tools, energy components, etc., and manufacturing of product includes robots, devices, unconventional machines, energy efficient vehicles, etc.