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Posted on Oct 7, 2021

Western India Kinfra Limited, Palakkad is collaborating with IIT Palakkad for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. The CSR funds were handed over to the institute by Shri. Rafsan A. Rahiman, Managing Director, Western Indian Kinfra Limited in presence of Prof. P. B. Sunil Kumar, Director, IIT Palakkad.

Posted on Oct 7, 2021
IIT Palakkad is glad to announce our partnership MoU with Bexel India Consulting in the field of 5D BIM Management and Digital Twin technologies, by utilizing its capabilities, technologies and pool of knowledge to come up with solutions relevant to Digital Transformation in the Indian Construction Industry.  IIT Palakkad recognizes collective growth, in collaboration with industry and other academic institutions as the need of the time and the above partnership with Bexel India is a glowing example.
Posted on Oct 7, 2021
IIT Palakkad entered into MoA with Kerala Highway Research Institute (KHRI), the research institute under the Public Works Department, Government of Kerala. The primary purpose of this MoA is to facilitate knowledge dissemination to the PWD engineers and train them to enhance their skillsets and thus contribute to the infrastructure development of the state. MoA also aims at jointly organizing events such as conferences and seminars, and providing technical support on solving various complex civil engineering field-related issues.
Posted on Jul 2, 2020
The Institute has developed an Automated Lung Ultrasound (LUS) for COVID-19 screening and monitoring through cloud-based image analysis and scoring system using image processing and machine learning techniques. The technology and the App, the first of its kind in India (did not see any LUS work reported globally as well), is now available for clinicians to perform automated analysis by just uploading the ultrasound video. The Project Principal Investigator is Dr.
Posted on Apr 24, 2020
Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad has signed a Know-How License & Monetization Agreement with Kooper Medical Technology Private Ltd., a medical device and equipment manufacturing company in Palakkad for the manufacture of respirator masks and filters on April 22, 2020. IIT Palakkad has shared the know-how to fabricate the respirator mask with replaceable antiviral filters. The structural design and manufacturing process of the respirator mask, details of the filter used along with coating of antiviral agents and sealing methodology has been developed by a team of faculty, staff and research scholars at IIT Palakkad. Following the know-how process developed at IIT Palakkad, respirator masks with replaceable antiviral filters can be obtained at an affordable cost.
Posted on Apr 8, 2020

IIT Palakkad has been active in developing technological solutions for combating Covid-19 and has come up with 5 sponsored research projects. The Principal Investigators of each project are also indicated. 

Posted on Feb 4, 2020

A talk on "The IIT System – Retrospect and Prospect" by Prof. Ravikumar Bhaskaran (Retired Professor, IIT Kharagpur, Former Dean Continuing Education, Managing Director Technology Foundation and Professor in Charge T&P IIT Kharagpur) was organised at IIT Palakkad on January 30, 2020. The presentation covered the details about the origin of the IIT system and about the common thread connecting the various IITs.

Posted on Feb 4, 2020
A Short Term Course on "Roadway Materials, Design and Construction" was organised by the faculty members from the department of Civil Engineering, IIT Palakkad for engineers from the Kerala Public Works Department (KPWD) on January 27- 30, 2020. The course was coordinated by Prof. Tom V. Mathew along with Dr. B. K. Bhavathrathan, Dr. Sudheesh T. K., Dr. Rakesh J. Pillai & Dr. Veena Venudharan.
Posted on Jan 6, 2020
The students of IIT Palakkad have developed an innovative, low-cost assistive communication device to aid paralyzed and speech-impaired patients. The device uses electrooculography (EOG) for capturing the eye movements of the patient to enable them to use a customized virtual keyboard and type on the monitor. For patients affected with weak muscular movement of the eye, the device captures even a residual, miniscule voluntary motion of a finger and translates the signal for typing using the virtual keyboard without touching the keys.