Manufacturing research lab has advanced materials processing facility consists metal additive manufacturing (AM) system, the method that relies on a digital data file being transmitted to a machine then builds the component. The technology helps us make complex parts from various engineering materials with high standards of quality that are not possible using conventional manufacturing methods. With a building volume of 250 x 250 x 325 mm, the EOS M 290 allows a fast, flexible and cost-effective production of metal parts directly from CAD data. An intuitive user interface, the intelligent software concept with a combination of open and standardized parameter sets and the improved filter system are specially designed for the industrial production. The system is complemented with an array of Softwares such as Materialise Magics, EOSprint, EOState and EOSaccess for making a final functional part from CAD model. Printed components will be subjected to postprocessing such as peening, heat treatment, etc. Effect of materials, processing and post processing conditions will be evaluated by adopting suitable materials characterization like FEG-SEM, EDS, EBSD available at Centerilased Instrumentation Facility (CIF) and material testing facilities such as hardness, tensile, high temperature fatigue, contact fatigue, rolling contact fatigue, etc that are available in Mechanical Engineering (ME) lab.