Research Facility

Heavy Equipment Testing Laboratory is used for conducting static, quasi-static, dynamic testing of large or full-scale model structures. This laboratory in Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad reflects on the testing facility for model/prototype systems related to teaching, research, consultancy etc.
Researchers and industrial experts from manufacturing sector have to work towards unified objective of manufacturing critical components using advanced engineering materials with the help of sustainable and reliable manufacturing techniques.
The Chandra High performance computing cluster (HPC)  provides a powerful computing platform for research in engineering and physical sciences. This system has been operational since June 2017. The HPC consists of 64 compute nodes, each with a dual 12-core Intel processor. Each core runs at 2.2 GHz and has 4 GB of RAM per core. The HPC is one of the first systems in India to use a 100 Gbps high-speed OmniPath interconnect from Intel.