Grant Calls Archive

Title Funding Agency Submission deadline Institute deadline
Swarnajayanti Fellowship Scheme Department of Science and Technology 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Integrated Technology Interventions for Sustainable Environment Department of Science & Technology 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Schemes under the National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) Department of Science and Technology 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Call for proposals on Aeronautics, Automotive & Biotechnology Indo - French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Letter of Intent for Research Grants for Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Department of Biotechnology 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Call for Proposal on Biotech Interventions in Citrus for North Eastern Region (NER) Department of Biotechnology 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Promoting Academic Research Conversion to Enterprise (PACE) Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme (BIPP) Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) scheme Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
India - Republic of Korea Joint Applied R&D Programme 2019 Department of Science & Technology 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B) Department of Science & Technology 31/3/2020 17/3/2020
Indo-Spanish Joint Programme for Technological Co-operation in Biotechnology Department of Biotechnology 27/3/2020 13/3/2020
Indo - Danish Research and Innovation Cooperation in the areas of Cyber physical systems Department of Science & Technology 17/3/2020 3/3/2020
Indo - Danish Research and Innovation Cooperation in the areas of Bioresources and Secondary Agriculture & Cyber physical systems Department of Biotechnology 17/3/2020 3/3/2020
Request for Concept Proposals on "Approach to develop CAR T Cell therapy at an affordable price in India" Department of Biotechnology 15/3/2020 1/3/2020
Scientific Utilization through Research Augmentation - Prime Products from Indigenous Cows (SUTRA-PIC India Program) Department of Science and Technology 14/3/2020 29/2/2020
Request for Proposals for Vaccine candidates and Translational Research Consortia (TRC) Department of Biotechnology 13/3/2020 28/2/2020
Indo-Hungarian Joint Research 2019 Department of Science & Technology 11/3/2020 26/2/2020
Call for Proposals under Indo-German Partnerships in Higher Education Programme (IGP) University Grants Commission 10/3/2020 25/2/2020
Core Research Grant Science & Engineering Research Board 9/3/2020 24/2/2020
Start- up Research Grant Science & Engineering Research Board 2/3/2020 24/2/2020
Science & Technology of Yoga & Meditation (SATYAM) Department of Science and Technology 8/3/2020 24/2/2020
Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas (IRHPA) Program Science & Engineering Research Board 24/2/2020 20/2/2020
Call for Proposals on "Globally Accessible and Cost-Effective Novel Antibodies" Department of Biotechnology 29/2/2020 15/2/2020
Call for Proposals on Forest Biotechnology Department of Biotechnology 29/2/2020 15/2/2020
Clinical Development of Novel/ New/Next-Generation Vaccine Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council 28/2/2020 14/2/2020
India - Taiwan Programme of Cooperation in Science & Technology 2019 Department of Science & Technology 25/2/2020 11/2/2020
Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) scheme Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council 15/2/2020 1/2/2020
India - Uzbekistan Joint Research Project Call Department of Science & Technology 14/2/2020 31/1/2020
Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER) Indo-US Science and Technology Forum 10/2/2020 27/1/2020
Industry Academia Research & development programme ( IARDP) Indo Fench Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research 1/2/2020 18/1/2020
Letter of Intent (LOIs) in the area of Problems associated with Women's Health Department of Biotechnology 31/1/2020 17/1/2020
Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship Program Indo - U.S. Science & Technology Forum 31/1/2020 17/1/2020
Joint Call for R&D proposals on Biotech Interventions in Medicinal Plants Department of Biotechnology 31/1/2020 17/1/2020
Call for proposals in the area of Drug Development Department of Biotechnology 29/1/2020 15/1/2020
Joint Call 2019 on Energy Storage Solutions (MICALL19) Department of Science & Technology 24/1/2020 10/1/2020
Collaborative Scientific Research Programme (CSRP) Indo Fench Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research 15/1/2020 1/1/2020
Tata Innovation Fellowships Department of Biotechnology 31/12/2019 17/12/2019
Technology Development Board, Bpifrance financement and Indo French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research joint Call for Proposal from Indian & French Companies on Aeronautics, Automotive & Biotechnology Indo Fench Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research 31/12/2019 17/12/2019
Call for R&D Proposals on “Food fortification and newer technologies to improve bioavailability of nutrients” Department of Biotechnology 26/12/2019 12/12/2019
Call for Proposals in the area of enabling indigenous development of technologies for affordable Biomanufacturing, Biotherapeutics and Therapies Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council 26/12/2019 12/12/2019
Call for R&D Proposals on Geriatric Nutrition Department of Biotechnology 26/12/2019 12/12/2019
Science and Technology Award for Research (STAR) Science and Engineering Research Board 20/12/2019 6/12/2019
Call for Proposals for Development of Medical Devices and Diagnostics Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council 12/12/2019 28/11/2019
Request for Proposals (RFP) for Development of Medical Devices and Diagnostics Department of Biotechnology 12/12/2019 28/11/2019
Call for R&D Proposals in Nanotechnology interventions in Dentistry and Bone diseases Department of Biotechnology 12/12/2019 28/11/2019
Call for R &D Proposals on “Nanotechnology based tools to enhance agricultural productivity” Department of Biotechnology 10/12/2019 26/11/2019
Call for Research Proposals under 2nd Call of Impactful Policy Research in Social Science (IMPRESS) Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) 16/10/2019 2/10/2019
Schemes under the Science for Equity, Empowerment and Development (SEED) Division Department of Science & Technology (DST) 10/10/2019 1/10/2019